容:容纳。比喻二者对立,绝不相容。 See more
門頭 (literary, figurative) social status of ones family account with business transactions (literary, figurative) means; method; channel; way; Synonyms [edit]
Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form, since to do so would require writing out an inconveniently long string of digits. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the United Kingdom. This base ten notation is commonly used by scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, in part because it can simplify certain arithmetic operations. On scientific calculators, i…
與母親相關的親戚稱呼. 1) 外祖父:對母親的父親,稱其為「外祖父」(與今同),又可稱為「外翁」、「外大人」、「家公」、「老爺」等。. 2) 外祖母:對母親的母。
椽子读音:chuán zi(不读yuán zi)房屋的木构架由柱、梁、檩、构架连接件和屋面基层等五部分组成. Ver mais
Chinese medicine five-tone therapy本集為針對氣虛精選的宮音,商音,徵音曲子合集。宮音入脾,商音入肺,徵音入心,能對氣虛體質起到一定的改善作用!
樹種介紹. 樹種名:土肉桂 樹種學名:Cinnamomum osmophloeum 科屬:樟科 樟屬 一.天然分布 為台灣特有植物,分佈台灣全島低海拔 闊葉樹林,常生長在比較陡峭,向陽的山坡上。 二.型態特徵
北方玄武 - 風水紫色 -